Big Ass Dreams has been an idea in the making for 5 years, well not really in the making, more like get inspired, get lost, lose motivation, get distracted and return to the idea again :) But the SEED for this idea was born out of some major angst in late 2018, when I was starting to realise that my life as blessed as it was, was not on my terms and was not fulfilling. I did not know it then, but my sadness, confusion, anxiety, weight gain and general feelings of depression was just my soul straight up refusing to move forward on the path I was on. If my soul, could be embodied in an image, it would be this one:

My soul is a dreamer, it does not like to settle and as it turns out it knows exactly what it wants and does not care what I have to do or leave behind to make it feel alive. My soul is a bad ass bitch, and she will go through hell and back as long as she is the right path. How do I know that? Because when I look back at the last 5 years with my very practical, cautious and overthinking mind, I see myself making choices and ending up in situations that I would have NEVER thought were possible, sometimes exhilarating and beautiful, other times terrifying and exhausting but very true to who I am because the path I am now while I have no idea where it will ultimately lead makes me feel alive, fired up and ready to face any challenge as long as it is alignment with who I am at my core.